全球高精度土地利用数据服务 全国作物类型空间分布数据服务 二级分类土地利用数据30m 高精度植被类型分布数据 全国城市功能区划分布数据 全国DEM高程数据服务 全国耕地数据空间分布服务 全国林地分类数据空间分布服务 全国草地类型分类数据空间分布服务 全国水体数据空间分布服务 全国建设用地数据空间分布服务 全国未利用地数据空间分布服务 地形、地貌、土壤理化性质数据服务 全国坡度坡向数据服务 一级分类土地利用数据30m
全国降水量空间分布数据集 全国气温空间分布数据集 太阳辐射量空间分布数据集 全国气象站点观测数据集 全国平均风速空间分布数据集 全国平均水汽压空间分布数据集 全国蒸散量空间分布数据集 全国日照时数空间分布数据集 全国相对湿度空间分布数据集 全国地表温度空间分布数据集 全国气候区划空间分布数据集 全国气象站点空间分布数据集 全国土壤湿度空间分布数据集 全国水文站点地表径流量空间分布数据集
土壤类型空间分布数据服务 土壤质地空间分布数据服务 土壤有机质空间分布数据服务 土壤酸碱度空间分布数据服务 土壤氮磷钾空间分布数据服务 土壤深度空间分布数据服务 土壤侵蚀强度空间分布数据服务 土壤含水量空间分布数据服务 土壤重金属含量空间分布数据服务 中国土壤阳离子交换量空间分布数据 中国土壤容重含量空间分布数据
全国夜间灯光指数数据服务 全国GDP公里格网数据服务 全国人口密度数据服务 全国poi感兴趣点空间分布数据 全国医院空间分布数据服务 全国学校空间分布数据服务 全国居民点空间分布数据 全国旅游景区空间分布数据 全国机场空间分布数据 全国地铁线路站点空间分布数据 人口调查空间分布数据服务 社会经济统计年鉴数据 中国各省市统计年鉴 中国县级统计年鉴数据 农田分类面积统计数据服务 农作物长势遥感监测数据服务 医疗资源统计数据服务 教育资源统计数据服务 行政区划空间分布数据服务
Landsat陆地资源卫星影像 高分二号遥感影像数据 高分一号遥感影像数据 Sentinel2哨兵2卫星影像 SPOT系列卫星遥感影像数据 WorldView卫星遥感影像数据 资源三号卫星遥感影像数据 GeoEye卫星遥感影像数据 NOAA/AVHRR卫星遥感影像 MODIS卫星遥感影像 环境小卫星 Rapideye快鸟卫星影像
高精度归一化植被指数NDVI空间分布数据 高精度净初级生产力NPP空间分布数据 LAI叶面积指数空间分布数据 全国地表温度LST空间分布数据 全国生态系统服务空间数据集 全国湿地沼泽分类空间分布数据集 全国陆地生态系统类型空间分布数据集 全国农田生产潜力数据集 全国GPP初级生产力数据 全国农田熟制空间分布数据集 中国植被区划数据 中国草地资源数据 全国月度NDVI归一化植被指数空间分布数据 月度净初级生产力NPP空间分布数据 全国年度NDVI归一化植被指数空间分布数据 年度净初级生产力NPP空间分布数据 增强型植被指数EVI空间分布数据 RVI比值植被指数空间分布数据
本页对地理坐标系(Geographic Coordinate System,GEOGCS)的基础参数的进行介绍,并统计了 616 个地理坐标系的官方 ID(EPSG),坐标系名称,椭球体,长半轴(m),反扁率,角度单位和本初子午线等参数。
常见的 WGS 84、CGCS 2000 等都属于地理坐标系。
下表对本页出现的 10 种地理坐标系角度单位参数进行列举,以供与 主要坐标参数 中 角度单位 的内容进行对应。
角度单位名称 | 对应中文单位 | 每单位弧度(°) |
Arcminute | 弧分 | 0.000290888208665721 |
Arcsecond | 弧秒 | 0.00000484813681109535 |
Degree | 度 | 0.0174532925199432 |
Gon / Grad | 百分制度 | 0.0157079632679489 |
Microradian | 微弧度 | 0.000000999999999999999 |
Mil_6400 | 密尔_6400 | 0.00098174770424681 |
Milliarcsecond | 毫微秒 | 0.00000000484813681109536 |
Minute_Centesimal | 百分制分 | 0.000157079632679489 |
Radian | 弧度 | 1 |
Second_Centesimal | 百分制秒 | 0.00000157079632679489 |
本初子午线,是指在地球上,连接南北两极的经线。国际上通常将通过英国伦敦格林尼治(Greenwich)天文台原址的那条经线称为 0° 经线称为本初子午线。
早期的坐标系并未完全以通过英国伦敦格林尼治(Greenwich)天文台原址的经线作为本初子午线,例如:Bern 1898(Bern)(EPSG:4801)以过 Bern (伯尔尼)的经线为本初子午线。下表列举了 15 种本初子午线设置,以供与 主要坐标参数 中 本初子午线 的内容进行对应。
本初子午线名称 | 对应中文名 | 经线(°) | 代码 | 格林尼治经度(°) | 格林尼治经度修订日期 |
Athens | 雅典 | 23.7163375 | 8912 | 23.4258815 | 1997-6-16 |
Bern | 伯尔尼 | 7.439583333 | 8907 | 7.26225 | 2008-6-24 |
Bogota | 波哥大 | -74.08091667 | 8904 | -74.04513 | 2014-6-27 |
Brussels | 布鲁塞尔 | 4.367975 | 8910 | 4.220471 | 1995-6-2 |
Ferro | 费罗 | -17.66666667 | 8909 | -17.4 | 2014-6-27 |
Greenwich | 格林尼治 | 0 | 8901 | 0 | 2016-12-15 |
Jakarta | 雅加达 | 106.8077194 | 8908 | 106.482779 | 1995-6-2 |
Lisbon | 里斯本 | -9.131906111 | 8902 | -9.0754862 | 2014-6-27 |
Madrid | 马德里 | -3.687938889 | 8905 | -3.411658 | 2014-6-27 |
Oslo | 奥斯陆 | 10.72291667 | 8913 | 10.43225 | 1999-10-20 |
Paris | 巴黎 | 2.337229167 | 8903 | 2.5969213 | 2008-6-24 |
Paris_RGS | 巴黎 | 2.337208333 | 8914 | 2.201395 | 2007-11-1 |
Reference_Meridian | 参考经线 | 0 | 8901 | 0 | 2016-12-15 |
Rome | 罗马 | 12.45233333 | 8906 | 12.27084 | 1995-6-2 |
Stockholm | 斯德哥尔摩 | 18.05827778 | 8911 | 18.03298 | 1995-6-2 |
椭球体通常由长半轴和反扁率(长半轴除以长半轴与短半轴之差,为扁率的倒数)来定义。下表对可能涉及到的椭球体进行列举,以供与 主要坐标参数 中 椭球体 相关的内容进行对应。
椭球体 | 长半轴(m) | 反扁率 | 椭球体代码 | 修订日期 |
Bessel 1841 | 6377397.155 | 299.1528128 | 7004 | 1999-4-22 |
GRS 1967 Modified | 6378160 | 298.25 | 7050 | 2008-8-11 |
GRS 1980 | 6378137 | 298.2572221 | 7019 | 2013-8-23 |
Average Terrestrial System 1977 | 6378135 | 298.257 | 7041 | 1997-7-22 |
International 1924 | 6378388 | 297 | 7022 | 1995-6-2 |
Clarke 1866 | 6378206.4 | 294.9786982 | 7008 | 2013-1-17 |
WGS 84 | 6378137 | 298.2572236 | 7030 | 2015-11-25 |
Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) | 6377276.345 | 300.8017 | 7015 | 1996-10-18 |
Clarke 1880 (RGS) | 6378249.145 | 293.465 | 7012 | 1995-6-2 |
Everest 1830 (1962 Definition) | 6377301.243 | 300.8017255 | 7044 | 1999-10-20 |
Everest 1830 (1975 Definition) | 6377299.151 | 300.8017255 | 7045 | 1999-10-20 |
Krassowsky 1940 | 6378245 | 298.3 | 7024 | 1995-6-2 |
Clarke 1880 (IGN) | 6378249.2 | 293.4660213 | 7011 | 1998-4-16 |
Clarke 1858 | 6378293.645 | 294.2606764 | 7007 | 2005-8-14 |
War Office | 6378300 | 296 | 7029 | 2009-10-29 |
Airy 1830 | 6377563.396 | 299.3249646 | 7001 | 2006-11-27 |
Australian National Spheroid | 6378160 | 298.25 | 7003 | 2008-8-11 |
Clarke 1880 (Arc) | 6378249.145 | 293.4663077 | 7013 | 2001-6-5 |
Helmert 1906 | 6378200 | 298.3 | 7020 | 1995-6-2 |
GRS 1967 | 6378160 | 298.2471674 | 7036 | 2011-2-25 |
Indonesian National Spheroid | 6378160 | 298.247 | 7021 | 1995-6-2 |
Clarke 1880 | 6378249.145 | 293.4663077 | 7034 | 2008-6-26 |
Everest (1830 Definition) | 6377299.366 | 300.8017255 | 7042 | 2008-6-26 |
Everest 1830 Modified | 6377304.063 | 300.8017 | 7018 | 1995-6-2 |
Bessel Modified | 6377492.018 | 299.1528128 | 7005 | 1999-4-22 |
NWL 9D | 6378145 | 298.25 | 7025 | 1995-6-2 |
Clarke 1880 (Benoit) | 6378300.789 | 293.4663155 | 7010 | 1995-6-2 |
Bessel Namibia (GLM) | 6377483.865 | 299.1528128 | 7046 | 2007-9-21 |
Everest 1830 (1967 Definition) | 6377298.556 | 300.8017 | 7016 | 1995-6-2 |
Airy Modified 1849 | 6377340.189 | 299.3249646 | 7002 | 2003-6-27 |
WGS 72 | 6378135 | 298.26 | 7043 | 1999-4-22 |
CGCS2000 | 6378137 | 298.2572221 | 1024 | 2009-11-12 |
IAG 1975 | 6378140 | 298.257 | 7049 | 2009-11-24 |
Danish 1876 | 6377019.27 | 300 | 7051 | 2003-6-27 |
Clarke 1880 (international foot) | 6378306.37 | 293.4663077 | 7055 | 2006-7-14 |
Hough 1960 | 6378270 | 297 | 7053 | 2006-1-26 |
PZ-90 | 6378136 | 298.2578393 | 7054 | 2016-12-15 |
Everest 1830 (RSO 1969) | 6377295.664 | 300.8017 | 7056 | 2006-7-24 |
Plessis 1817 | 6376523 | 308.64 | 7027 | 1995-6-2 |
Struve 1860 | 6378298.3 | 294.73 | 7028 | 1998-11-11 |
GSK-2011 | 6378136.5 | 298.2564151 | 1025 | 2016-1-25 |
如果想搜索坐标系信息,可使用浏览器的页面搜索功能( 快捷键通常为:Ctrl + F )进行搜索。
是指用来准确定义三维地球形状的一组参数和控制点。当一个旋转椭球体的形状与地球相近时,基准面用于定义旋转椭球体相对于地心的位置。基准面给出了测量地球表面上位置的参考框架。它定义了 经线和纬线 的原点及方向。
原始的基准面名称以 _
连接每个单词,为了方便展示,下表用 空格
例如:Hungarian Datum 1909,原始的基准面名称为 Hungarian_Datum_1909。
官方 ID | 坐标系名称 | 基准面 | 椭球体 | 角度单位 | 本初子午线 |
EPSG:3819 | HD1909 | Hungarian Datum 1909 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:3821 | TWD67 | Taiwan Datum 1967 | GRS 1967 Modified | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:3824 | TWD97 | Taiwan Datum 1997 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:3889 | IGRS | Iraqi Geospatial Reference System | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:3906 | MGI 1901 | MGI 1901 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4001 | Unknown datum based upon the Airy 1830 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Airy 1830 ellipsoid | Airy 1830 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4002 | Unknown datum based upon the Airy Modified 1849 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Airy Modified 1849 ellipsoid | Airy Modified 1849 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4003 | Unknown datum based upon the Australian National Spheroid | Not specified based on Australian National Spheroid | Australian National Spheroid | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4004 | Unknown datum based upon the Bessel 1841 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Bessel 1841 ellipsoid | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4005 | Unknown datum based upon the Bessel Modified ellipsoid | Not specified based on Bessel Modified ellipsoid | Bessel Modified | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4006 | Unknown datum based upon the Bessel Namibia ellipsoid | Not specified based on Bessel Namibia ellipsoid | Bessel Namibia (GLM) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4007 | Unknown datum based upon the Clarke 1858 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Clarke 1858 ellipsoid | Clarke 1858 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4008 | Unknown datum based upon the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Clarke 1866 ellipsoid | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4009 | Unknown datum based upon the Clarke 1866 Michigan ellipsoid | Not specified based on Clarke 1866 Michigan ellipsoid | Clarke 1866 Michigan | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4010 | Unknown datum based upon the Clarke 1880 (Benoit) ellipsoid | Not specified based on Clarke 1880 Benoit ellipsoid | Clarke 1880 (Benoit) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4011 | Unknown datum based upon the Clarke 1880 (IGN) ellipsoid | Not specified based on Clarke 1880 IGN ellipsoid | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4012 | Unknown datum based upon the Clarke 1880 (RGS) ellipsoid | Not specified based on Clarke 1880 RGS ellipsoid | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4013 | Unknown datum based upon the Clarke 1880 (Arc) ellipsoid | Not specified based on Clarke 1880 Arc ellipsoid | Clarke 1880 (Arc) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4014 | Unknown datum based upon the Clarke 1880 (SGA 1922) ellipsoid | Not specified based on Clarke 1880 SGA 1922 ellipsoid | Clarke 1880 (SGA 1922) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4015 | Unknown datum based upon the Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) ellipsoid | Not specified based on Everest 1830 1937 Adjustment ellipsoid | Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4016 | Unknown datum based upon the Everest 1830 (1967 Definition) ellipsoid | Not specified based on Everest 1830 1967 Definition ellipsoid | Everest 1830 (1967 Definition) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4018 | Unknown datum based upon the Everest 1830 Modified ellipsoid | Not specified based on Everest 1830 Modified ellipsoid | Everest 1830 Modified | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4019 | Unknown datum based upon the GRS 1980 ellipsoid | Not specified based on GRS 1980 ellipsoid | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4020 | Unknown datum based upon the Helmert 1906 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Helmert 1906 ellipsoid | Helmert 1906 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4021 | Unknown datum based upon the Indonesian National Spheroid | Not specified based on Indonesian National Spheroid | Indonesian National Spheroid | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4022 | Unknown datum based upon the International 1924 ellipsoid | Not specified based on International 1924 ellipsoid | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4023 | MOLDREF99 | MOLDREF99 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4024 | Unknown datum based upon the Krassowsky 1940 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Krassowsky 1940 ellipsoid | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4025 | Unknown datum based upon the NWL 9D ellipsoid | Not specified based on NWL 9D ellipsoid | NWL 9D | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4027 | Unknown datum based upon the Plessis 1817 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Plessis 1817 ellipsoid | Plessis 1817 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4028 | Unknown datum based upon the Struve 1860 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Struve 1860 ellipsoid | Struve 1860 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4029 | Unknown datum based upon the War Office ellipsoid | Not specified based on War Office ellipsoid | War Office | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4030 | Unknown datum based upon the WGS 84 ellipsoid | Not specified based on WGS 84 ellipsoid | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4031 | Unknown datum based upon the GEM 10C ellipsoid | Not specified based on GEM 10C ellipsoid | GEM 10C | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4032 | Unknown datum based upon the OSU86F ellipsoid | Not specified based on OSU86F ellipsoid | OSU86F | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4033 | Unknown datum based upon the OSU91A ellipsoid | Not specified based on OSU91A ellipsoid | OSU91A | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4034 | Unknown datum based upon the Clarke 1880 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Clarke 1880 ellipsoid | Clarke 1880 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4035 | Unspecified datum based upon the GRS 1980 Authalic Sphere | Not specified based on GRS 1980 Authalic Sphere | GRS 1980 Authalic Sphere | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4036 | Unknown datum based upon the GRS 1967 ellipsoid | Not specified based on GRS 1967 ellipsoid | GRS 1967 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4041 | Unknown datum based upon the Average Terrestrial System 1977 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Average Terrestrial System 1977 ellipsoid | Average Terrestrial System 1977 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4042 | Unknown datum based upon the Everest (1830 Definition) ellipsoid | Not specified based on Everest 1830 Definition ellipsoid | Everest (1830 Definition) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4043 | Unknown datum based upon the WGS 72 ellipsoid | Not specified based on WGS 72 ellipsoid | WGS 72 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4044 | Unknown datum based upon the Everest 1830 (1962 Definition) ellipsoid | Not specified based on Everest 1830 1962 Definition ellipsoid | Everest 1830 (1962 Definition) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4045 | Unknown datum based upon the Everest 1830 (1975 Definition) ellipsoid | Not specified based on Everest 1830 1975 Definition ellipsoid | Everest 1830 (1975 Definition) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4046 | RGRDC 2005 | Reseau Geodesique de la RDC 2005 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4047 | Unspecified datum based upon the GRS 1980 Authalic Sphere | Not specified based on GRS 1980 Authalic Sphere | GRS 1980 Authalic Sphere | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4052 | Unspecified datum based upon the Clarke 1866 Authalic Sphere | Not specified based on Clarke 1866 Authalic Sphere | Clarke 1866 Authalic Sphere | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4053 | Unspecified datum based upon the International 1924 Authalic Sphere | Not specified based on International 1924 Authalic Sphere | International 1924 Authalic Sphere | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4054 | Unspecified datum based upon the Hughes 1980 ellipsoid | Not specified based on Hughes 1980 ellipsoid | Hughes 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4055 | Popular Visualisation CRS | Popular Visualisation Datum | Popular Visualisation Sphere | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4075 | SREF98 | Serbian Reference Network 1998 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4081 | REGCAN95 | Red Geodesica de Canarias 1995 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4120 | Greek | Greek | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4121 | GGRS87 | Greek Geodetic Reference System 1987 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4122 | ATS77 | Average Terrestrial System 1977 | Average Terrestrial System 1977 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4123 | KKJ | Kartastokoordinaattijarjestelma 1966 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4124 | RT90 | Rikets koordinatsystem 1990 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4125 | Segara | Gunung Segara | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4126 | LKS94 | Lithuania 1994 ETRS89 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4127 | Tete | Tete | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4128 | Madzansua | Madzansua | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4129 | Observatario | Observatario | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4130 | Moznet | Moznet ITRF94 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4131 | Indian 1960 | Indian 1960 | Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4132 | FD58 | Final Datum 1958 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4133 | EST92 | Estonia 1992 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4134 | PSD93 | PDO Survey Datum 1993 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4135 | Old Hawaiian | Old Hawaiian | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4136 | St. Lawrence Island | St Lawrence Island | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4137 | St. Paul Island | St Paul Island | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4138 | St. George Island | St George Island | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4139 | Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4140 | NAD83(CSRS) | NAD83 Canadian Spatial Reference System | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4141 | Israel 1993 | Israel 1993 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4142 | Locodjo 1965 | Locodjo 1965 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4143 | Abidjan 1987 | Abidjan 1987 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4144 | Kalianpur 1937 | Kalianpur 1937 | Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4145 | Kalianpur 1962 | Kalianpur 1962 | Everest 1830 (1962 Definition) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4146 | Kalianpur 1975 | Kalianpur 1975 | Everest 1830 (1975 Definition) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4147 | Hanoi 1972 | Hanoi 1972 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4148 | Hartebeesthoek94 | Hartebeesthoek94 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4149 | CH1903 | CH1903 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4150 | CH1903+ | CH1903+ | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4151 | CHTRS95 | Swiss Terrestrial Reference System 1995 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4152 | NAD83(HARN) | NAD83 High Accuracy Reference Network | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4153 | Rassadiran | Rassadiran | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4154 | ED50(ED77) | European Datum 1950 1977 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4155 | Dabola 1981 | Dabola 1981 | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4156 | S-JTSK | System of the Unified Trigonometrical Cadastral Network | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4157 | Mount Dillon | Mount Dillon | Clarke 1858 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4158 | Naparima 1955 | Naparima 1955 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4159 | ELD79 | European Libyan Datum 1979 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4160 | Chos Malal 1914 | Chos Malal 1914 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4161 | Pampa del Castillo | Pampa del Castillo | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4162 | Korean 1985 | Korean Datum 1985 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4163 | Yemen NGN96 | Yemen National Geodetic Network 1996 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4164 | South Yemen | South Yemen | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4165 | Bissau | Bissau | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4166 | Korean 1995 | Korean Datum 1995 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4167 | NZGD2000 | New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4168 | Accra | Accra | War Office | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4169 | American Samoa 1962 | American Samoa 1962 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4170 | SIRGAS 1995 | Sistema de Referencia Geocentrico para America del Sur 1995 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4171 | RGF93 v1 | Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v1 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4172 | POSGAR | Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas | GRS 1980 | degree minute second hemisphere | Greenwich |
EPSG:4173 | IRENET95 | IRENET95 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4174 | Sierra Leone 1924 | Sierra Leone Colony 1924 | War Office | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4175 | Sierra Leone 1968 | Sierra Leone 1968 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4176 | Australian Antarctic | Australian Antarctic Datum 1998 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4178 | Pulkovo 1942(83) | Pulkovo 1942 83 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4179 | Pulkovo 1942(58) | Pulkovo 1942 58 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4180 | EST97 | Estonia 1997 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4181 | Luxembourg 1930 | Luxembourg 1930 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4182 | Azores Occidental 1939 | Azores Occidental Islands 1939 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4183 | Azores Central 1948 | Azores Central Islands 1948 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4184 | Azores Oriental 1940 | Azores Oriental Islands 1940 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4185 | Madeira 1936 | Madeira 1936 | International 1924 | degree minute second hemisphere | Greenwich |
EPSG:4188 | OSNI 1952 | OSNI 1952 | Airy 1830 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4189 | REGVEN | Red Geodesica Venezolana | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4190 | POSGAR 98 | Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 1998 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4191 | Albanian 1987 | Albanian 1987 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4192 | Douala 1948 | Douala 1948 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4193 | Manoca 1962 | Manoca 1962 | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4194 | Qornoq 1927 | Qornoq 1927 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4195 | Scoresbysund 1952 | Scoresbysund 1952 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4196 | Ammassalik 1958 | Ammassalik 1958 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4197 | Garoua | Garoua | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4198 | Kousseri | Kousseri | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4199 | Egypt 1930 | Egypt 1930 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4200 | Pulkovo 1995 | Pulkovo 1995 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4201 | Adindan | Adindan | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4202 | AGD66 | Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 | Australian National Spheroid | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4203 | AGD84 | Australian Geodetic Datum 1984 | Australian National Spheroid | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4204 | Ain el Abd | Ain el Abd 1970 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4205 | Afgooye | Afgooye | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4206 | Agadez | Agadez | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4207 | Lisbon | Lisbon 1937 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4208 | Aratu | Aratu | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4209 | Arc 1950 | Arc 1950 | Clarke 1880 (Arc) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4210 | Arc 1960 | Arc 1960 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4211 | Batavia | Batavia | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4212 | Barbados 1938 | Barbados 1938 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4213 | Beduaram | Beduaram | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4214 | Beijing 1954 | Beijing 1954 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4215 | BD50 | Reseau National Belge 1950 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4216 | Bermuda 1957 | Bermuda 1957 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4218 | Bogota 1975 | Bogota 1975 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4219 | Bukit Rimpah | Bukit Rimpah | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4220 | Camacupa 1948 | Camacupa 1948 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4221 | Campo Inchauspe | Campo Inchauspe | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4222 | Cape | Cape | Clarke 1880 (Arc) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4223 | Carthage | Carthage | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4224 | Chua | Chua | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4225 | Corrego Alegre 1970-72 | Corrego Alegre 1970-72 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4226 | Cote d'Ivoire | Cote d Ivoire | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree minute second hemisphere | Greenwich |
EPSG:4227 | Deir ez Zor | Deir ez Zor | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4228 | Douala 1948 | Douala 1948 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4229 | Egypt 1907 | Egypt 1907 | Helmert 1906 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4230 | ED50 | European Datum 1950 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4231 | ED87 | European Datum 1987 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4232 | Fahud | Fahud | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4233 | Gandajika 1970 | Gandajika 1970 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4234 | Garoua | Garoua | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4235 | CSG67 | Centre Spatial Guyanais 1967 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4236 | Hu Tzu Shan 1950 | Hu Tzu Shan 1950 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4237 | HD72 | Hungarian Datum 1972 | GRS 1967 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4238 | ID74 | Indonesian Datum 1974 | Indonesian National Spheroid | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4239 | Indian 1954 | Indian 1954 | Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4240 | Indian 1975 | Indian 1975 | Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4241 | Jamaica 1875 | Jamaica 1875 | Clarke 1880 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4242 | JAD69 | Jamaica 1969 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4243 | Kalianpur 1880 | Kalianpur 1880 | Everest (1830 Definition) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4244 | Kandawala | Kandawala | Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4245 | Kertau 1968 | Kertau 1968 | Everest 1830 Modified | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4246 | KOC | Kuwait Oil Company | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4247 | La Canoa | La Canoa | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4248 | PSAD56 | Provisional South American Datum 1956 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4249 | Lake | Lake | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4250 | Leigon | Leigon | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4251 | Liberia 1964 | Liberia 1964 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4252 | Lome | Lome | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4253 | Luzon 1911 | Luzon 1911 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4254 | Hito XVIII 1963 | Hito XVIII 1963 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4255 | Herat North | Herat North | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4256 | Mahe 1971 | Mahe 1971 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4257 | Makassar | Makassar | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4258 | ETRS89 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4259 | Malongo 1987 | Malongo 1987 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4260 | Manoca 1962 | Manoca 1962 | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4261 | Merchich | Merchich | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4262 | Massawa | Massawa | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4263 | Minna | Minna | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4264 | Mhast | Mhast | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4265 | Monte Mario | Monte Mario | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4266 | M'poraloko | M poraloko | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4267 | NAD27 | North American Datum 1927 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4268 | NAD27 | North American Datum 1927 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4269 | NAD83 | North American Datum 1983 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4270 | Nahrwan 1967 | Nahrwan 1967 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4271 | Naparima 1972 | Naparima 1972 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4272 | NZGD49 | New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4273 | NGO 1948 | NGO 1948 | Bessel Modified | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4274 | Datum 73 | Datum 73 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4275 | NTF | Nouvelle Triangulation Francaise | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4276 | NSWC 9Z-2 | NSWC 9Z-2 | NWL 9D | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4277 | OSGB36 | Ordnance Survey of Great Britain 1936 | Airy 1830 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4278 | OSGB70 | OSGB 1970 SN | Airy 1830 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4279 | OS(SN)80 | OS SN 1980 | Airy 1830 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4280 | Batavia | Batavia | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4281 | Palestine 1923 | Palestine 1923 | Clarke 1880 (Benoit) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4282 | Pointe Noire | Congo 1960 Pointe Noire | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4283 | GDA94 | Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4284 | Pulkovo 1942 | Pulkovo 1942 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4285 | Qatar 1974 | Qatar 1974 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4286 | Qatar 1948 | Qatar 1948 | Helmert 1906 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4287 | Qornoq 1927 | Qornoq 1927 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4288 | Loma Quintana | Loma Quintana | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4289 | Amersfoort | Amersfoort | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4291 | SAD69 | South American Datum 1969 | GRS 1967 Modified | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4292 | Sapper Hill 1943 | Sapper Hill 1943 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4293 | Schwarzeck | Schwarzeck | Bessel Namibia (GLM) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4294 | Segara | Gunung Segara | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4295 | Serindung | Serindung | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4296 | Adindan | Adindan | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4297 | Tananarive | Tananarive 1925 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4298 | Timbalai 1948 | Timbalai 1948 | Everest 1830 (1967 Definition) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4299 | TM65 | TM65 | Airy Modified 1849 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4300 | TM75 | Geodetic Datum of 1965 | Airy Modified 1849 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4301 | Tokyo | Tokyo | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4302 | Trinidad 1903 | Trinidad 1903 | Clarke 1858 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4303 | TC(1948) | Trucial Coast 1948 | Helmert 1906 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4304 | Voirol 1875 | Voirol 1875 | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4306 | Bern 1938 | Bern 1938 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4307 | Nord Sahara 1959 | Nord Sahara 1959 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4308 | RT38 | Stockholm 1938 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4309 | Yacare | Yacare | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4310 | Yoff | Yoff | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4311 | Zanderij | Zanderij | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4312 | MGI | Militar-Geographische Institut | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4313 | BD72 | Reseau National Belge 1972 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4314 | DHDN | Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4315 | Conakry 1905 | Conakry 1905 | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4316 | Dealul Piscului 1930 | Dealul Piscului 1930 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4317 | Pulkovo 1942(58) | Pulkovo 1942 58 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4318 | NGN | National Geodetic Network | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4319 | KUDAMS | Kuwait Utility | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4322 | WGS 72 | World Geodetic System 1972 | WGS 72 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4324 | WGS 72BE | WGS 72 Transit Broadcast Ephemeris | WGS 72 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4326 | WGS 84 | WGS 1984 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4463 | RGSPM06 | Reseau Geodesique de Saint Pierre et Miquelon 2006 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4470 | RGM04 | Reseau Geodesique de Mayotte 2004 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4475 | Cadastre 1997 | CADASTRE 1997 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4483 | Mexico ITRF92 | Mexico ITRF92 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4490 | China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000 | China 2000 | CGCS2000 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4555 | New Beijing | New Beijing | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4558 | RRAF 1991 | Reseau de Reference des Antilles Francaises 1991 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4600 | Anguilla 1957 | Anguilla 1957 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4601 | Antigua 1943 | Antigua 1943 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4602 | Dominica 1945 | Dominica 1945 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4603 | Grenada 1953 | Grenada 1953 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4604 | Montserrat 1958 | Montserrat 1958 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4605 | St. Kitts 1955 | St Kitts 1955 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4606 | St. Lucia 1955 | St Lucia 1955 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4607 | St. Vincent 1945 | St Vincent 1945 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4608 | NAD27(76) | North American Datum 1927 1976 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4609 | NAD27(CGQ77) | North American Datum 1927 CGQ77 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4610 | Xian 1980 | Xian 1980 | IAG 1975 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4611 | Hong Kong 1980 | Hong Kong 1980 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4612 | JGD2000 | Japanese Geodetic Datum 2000 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4613 | Segara | Gunung Segara | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4614 | QND95 | Qatar National Datum 1995 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4615 | Porto Santo | Porto Santo 1936 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4616 | Selvagem Grande | Selvagem Grande | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4617 | NAD83(CSRS) | NAD83 Canadian Spatial Reference System | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4618 | SAD69 | South American Datum 1969 | GRS 1967 Modified | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4619 | SWEREF99 | SWEREF99 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4620 | Point 58 | Point 58 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4621 | Fort Marigot | Fort Marigot | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4622 | Guadeloupe 1948 | Guadeloupe 1948 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4623 | CSG67 | Centre Spatial Guyanais 1967 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4624 | RGFG95 | Reseau Geodesique Francais Guyane 1995 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4625 | Martinique 1938 | Martinique 1938 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4626 | Reunion 1947 | Reunion 1947 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4627 | RGR92 | Reseau Geodesique de la Reunion 1992 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4628 | Tahiti 52 | Tahiti 52 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4629 | Tahaa 54 | Tahaa 54 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4630 | IGN72 Nuku Hiva | IGN72 Nuku Hiva | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4631 | IGN 1962 Kerguelen | IGN 1962 Kerguelen | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4632 | Combani 1950 | Combani 1950 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4633 | IGN56 Lifou | IGN56 Lifou | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4634 | IGN72 Grande Terre | IGN72 Grande Terre | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4635 | ST87 Ouvea | ST87 Ouvea | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4636 | Petrels 1972 | Petrels 1972 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4637 | Perroud 1950 | Pointe Geologie Perroud 1950 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4638 | Saint Pierre et Miquelon 1950 | Saint Pierre et Miquelon 1950 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4639 | MOP78 | MOP78 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4640 | RRAF 1991 | Reseau de Reference des Antilles Francaises 1991 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4641 | IGN53 Mare | IGN53 Mare | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4642 | ST84 Ile des Pins | ST84 Ile des Pins | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4643 | ST71 Belep | ST71 Belep | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4644 | NEA74 Noumea | NEA74 Noumea | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4645 | RGNC91-93 | Reseau Geodesique de Nouvelle Caledonie 91-93 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4646 | Grand Comoros | Grand Comoros | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4657 | Reykjavik 1900 | Reykjavik 1900 | Danish 1876 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4658 | Hjorsey 1955 | Hjorsey 1955 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4659 | ISN93 | Islands Net 1993 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4660 | Helle 1954 | Helle 1954 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4661 | LKS92 | Latvia 1992 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4662 | IGN72 Grande Terre | IGN72 Grande Terre | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4663 | Porto Santo 1995 | Porto Santo 1995 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4664 | Azores Oriental 1995 | Azores Oriental Islands 1995 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4665 | Azores Central 1995 | Azores Central Islands 1995 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4666 | Lisbon 1890 | Lisbon 1890 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4667 | IKBD-92 | Iraq-Kuwait Boundary Datum 1992 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4668 | ED79 | European Datum 1979 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4669 | LKS94 | Lithuania 1994 ETRS89 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4670 | IGM95 | Istituto Geografico Militaire 1995 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4671 | Voirol 1879 | Voirol 1879 | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4672 | Chatham Islands 1971 | Chatham Islands Datum 1971 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4673 | Chatham Islands 1979 | Chatham Islands Datum 1979 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4674 | SIRGAS 2000 | Sistema de Referencia Geocentrico para las AmericaS 2000 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4675 | Guam 1963 | Guam 1963 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4676 | Vientiane 1982 | Vientiane 1982 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4677 | Lao 1993 | Lao 1993 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4678 | Lao 1997 | Lao National Datum 1997 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4679 | Jouik 1961 | Jouik 1961 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4680 | Nouakchott 1965 | Nouakchott 1965 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4681 | Mauritania 1999 | Mauritania 1999 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4682 | Gulshan 303 | Gulshan 303 | Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4683 | PRS92 | Philippine Reference System 1992 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4684 | Gan 1970 | Gan 1970 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4685 | Kasai 1953 | Kasai 1953 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4686 | MAGNA-SIRGAS | Marco Geocentrico Nacional de Referencia | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4687 | RGPF | Reseau Geodesique de la Polynesie Francaise | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4688 | Fatu Iva 72 | Fatu Iva 72 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4689 | IGN63 Hiva Oa | IGN63 Hiva Oa | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4690 | Tahiti 79 | Tahiti 79 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4691 | Moorea 87 | Moorea 87 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4692 | Maupiti 83 | Maupiti 83 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4693 | Nakhl-e Ghanem | Nakhl-e Ghanem | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4694 | POSGAR 94 | Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 1994 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4695 | Katanga 1955 | Katanga 1955 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4696 | Kasai 1953 | Kasai 1953 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4697 | IGC 1962 6th Parallel South | IGC 1962 Arc of the 6th Parallel South | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4698 | IGN 1962 Kerguelen | IGN 1962 Kerguelen | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4699 | Le Pouce 1934 | Le Pouce 1934 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4700 | IGN Astro 1960 | IGN Astro 1960 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4701 | IGCB 1955 | Institut Geographique du Congo Belge 1955 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4702 | Mauritania 1999 | Mauritania 1999 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4703 | Mhast 1951 | Missao Hidrografico Angola y Sao Tome 1951 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4704 | Mhast (onshore) | Mhast onshore | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4705 | Mhast (offshore) | Mhast offshore | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4706 | Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL | Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL | Helmert 1906 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4707 | Tern Island 1961 | Tern Island 1961 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4708 | Cocos Islands 1965 | Cocos Islands 1965 | Australian National Spheroid | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4709 | Iwo Jima 1945 | Iwo Jima 1945 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4710 | Astro DOS 71 | Astro DOS 71 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4711 | Marcus Island 1952 | Marcus Island 1952 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4712 | Ascension Island 1958 | Ascension Island 1958 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4713 | Ayabelle Lighthouse | Ayabelle Lighthouse | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4714 | Bellevue | Bellevue | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4715 | Camp Area Astro | Camp Area Astro | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4716 | Phoenix Islands 1966 | Phoenix Islands 1966 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4717 | Cape Canaveral | Cape Canaveral | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4718 | Solomon 1968 | Solomon 1968 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4719 | Easter Island 1967 | Easter Island 1967 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4720 | Fiji 1986 | Fiji Geodetic Datum 1986 | WGS 72 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4721 | Fiji 1956 | Fiji 1956 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4722 | South Georgia 1968 | South Georgia 1968 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4723 | GCGD59 | Grand Cayman Geodetic Datum 1959 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4724 | Diego Garcia 1969 | Diego Garcia 1969 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4725 | Johnston Island 1961 | Johnston Island 1961 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4726 | SIGD61 | Sister Islands Geodetic Datum 1961 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4727 | Midway 1961 | Midway 1961 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4728 | PN84 | Pico de las Nieves 1984 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4729 | Pitcairn 1967 | Pitcairn 1967 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4730 | Santo 1965 | Santo 1965 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4731 | Viti Levu 1912 | Viti Levu 1912 | Clarke 1880 (international foot) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4732 | Marshall Islands 1960 | Marshall Islands 1960 | Hough 1960 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4733 | Wake Island 1952 | Wake Island 1952 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4734 | Tristan 1968 | Tristan 1968 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4735 | Kusaie 1951 | Kusaie 1951 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4736 | Deception Island | Deception Island | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4737 | Korea 2000 | Geocentric datum of Korea | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4738 | Hong Kong 1963 | Hong Kong 1963 | Clarke 1858 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4739 | Hong Kong 1963(67) | Hong Kong 1963 67 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4740 | PZ-90 | Parametry Zemli 1990 | PZ-90 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4741 | FD54 | Faroe Datum 1954 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4742 | GDM2000 | Geodetic Datum of Malaysia 2000 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4743 | Karbala 1979 | Karbala 1979 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4744 | Nahrwan 1934 | Nahrwan 1934 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4745 | RD/83 | Rauenberg Datum 83 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4746 | PD/83 | Potsdam Datum 83 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4747 | GR96 | Greenland 1996 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4748 | Vanua Levu 1915 | Vanua Levu 1915 | Clarke 1880 (international foot) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4749 | RGNC91-93 | Reseau Geodesique de Nouvelle Caledonie 91-93 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4750 | ST87 Ouvea | ST87 Ouvea | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4751 | Kertau (RSO) | Kertau RSO | Everest 1830 (RSO 1969) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4752 | Viti Levu 1912 | Viti Levu 1912 | Clarke 1880 (international foot) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4753 | fk89 | fk89 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4754 | LGD2006 | Libyan Geodetic Datum 2006 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4755 | DGN95 | Datum Geodesi Nasional 1995 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4756 | VN-2000 | Vietnam 2000 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4757 | SVY21 | SVY21 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4758 | JAD2001 | Jamaica 2001 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4759 | NAD83(NSRS2007) | NAD83 National Spatial Reference System 2007 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4760 | WGS 66 | World Geodetic System 1966 | NWL 9D | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4761 | HTRS96 | Croatian Terrestrial Reference System | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4762 | BDA2000 | Bermuda 2000 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4763 | Pitcairn 2006 | Pitcairn 2006 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4764 | RSRGD2000 | Ross Sea Region Geodetic Datum 2000 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4765 | Slovenia 1996 | Slovenia Geodetic Datum 1996 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4801 | Bern 1898 (Bern) | CH1903 Bern | Bessel 1841 | degree | Bern |
EPSG:4802 | Bogota 1975 (Bogota) | Bogota 1975 Bogota | International 1924 | degree | Bogota |
EPSG:4803 | Lisbon (Lisbon) | Lisbon 1937 Lisbon | International 1924 | degree | Lisbon |
EPSG:4804 | Makassar (Jakarta) | Makassar Jakarta | Bessel 1841 | degree | Jakarta |
EPSG:4805 | MGI (Ferro) | Militar-Geographische Institut Ferro | Bessel 1841 | degree | Ferro |
EPSG:4806 | Monte Mario (Rome) | Monte Mario Rome | International 1924 | degree | Rome |
EPSG:4807 | NTF (Paris) | Nouvelle Triangulation Francaise Paris | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | grad | Paris |
EPSG:4808 | Batavia (Jakarta) | Batavia Jakarta | Bessel 1841 | degree | Jakarta |
EPSG:4809 | BD50 (Brussels) | Reseau National Belge 1950 Brussels | International 1924 | degree | Brussels |
EPSG:4810 | Tananarive (Paris) | Tananarive 1925 Paris | International 1924 | grad | Paris |
EPSG:4811 | Voirol 1875 (Paris) | Voirol 1875 Paris | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | grad | Paris |
EPSG:4813 | Batavia (Jakarta) | Batavia Jakarta | Bessel 1841 | degree | Jakarta |
EPSG:4814 | RT38 (Stockholm) | Stockholm 1938 Stockholm | Bessel 1841 | degree | Stockholm |
EPSG:4815 | Greek (Athens) | Greek Athens | Bessel 1841 | degree | Athens |
EPSG:4816 | Carthage (Paris) | Carthage Paris | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | grad | Paris |
EPSG:4817 | NGO 1948 (Oslo) | NGO 1948 Oslo | Bessel Modified | degree | Oslo |
EPSG:4818 | S-JTSK (Ferro) | System of the Unified Trigonometrical Cadastral Network Ferro | Bessel 1841 | degree | Ferro |
EPSG:4819 | Nord Sahara 1959 | Nord Sahara 1959 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4820 | Segara (Jakarta) | Gunung Segara Jakarta | Bessel 1841 | degree | Jakarta |
EPSG:4821 | Voirol 1879 (Paris) | Voirol 1879 Paris | Clarke 1880 (IGN) | grad | Paris |
EPSG:4823 | Sao Tome | Sao Tome | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4824 | Principe | Principe | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:4901 | ATF (Paris) | Ancienne Triangulation Francaise Paris | Plessis 1817 | grad | Paris RGS |
EPSG:4902 | ATF (Paris) | Ancienne Triangulation Francaise Paris | Plessis 1817 | grad | Paris RGS |
EPSG:4903 | Madrid 1870 (Madrid) | Madrid 1870 Madrid | Struve 1860 | degree | Madrid |
EPSG:4904 | Lisbon 1890 (Lisbon) | Lisbon 1890 Lisbon | Bessel 1841 | degree | Lisbon |
EPSG:5013 | PTRA08 | Autonomous Regions of Portugal 2008 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5132 | Tokyo 1892 | Tokyo 1892 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5228 | S-JTSK/05 | System of the Unified Trigonometrical Cadastral Network 05 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5229 | S-JTSK/05 (Ferro) | System of the Unified Trigonometrical Cadastral Network 05 Ferro | Bessel 1841 | degree | Ferro |
EPSG:5233 | SLD99 | Sri Lanka Datum 1999 | Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5246 | GDBD2009 | Geocentric Datum Brunei Darussalam 2009 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5252 | TUREF | Turkish National Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5264 | DRUKREF 03 | Bhutan National Geodetic Datum | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5324 | ISN2004 | Islands Net 2004 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5340 | POSGAR 2007 | Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 2007 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5354 | MARGEN | Marco Geodesico Nacional de Bolivia | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5360 | SIRGAS-Chile 2002 | SIRGAS-Chile realization 1 epoch 2002 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5365 | CR05 | Costa Rica 2005 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5371 | MACARIO SOLIS | Sistema Geodesico Nacional de Panama MACARIO SOLIS | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5373 | Peru96 | Peru96 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5381 | SIRGAS-ROU98 | SIRGAS-ROU98 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5393 | SIRGAS_ES2007.8 | SIRGAS ES2007 8 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5451 | Ocotepeque 1935 | Ocotepeque 1935 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5464 | Sibun Gorge 1922 | Sibun Gorge 1922 | Clarke 1858 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5467 | Panama-Colon 1911 | Panama-Colon 1911 | Clarke 1866 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5489 | RGAF09 | Reseau Geodesique des Antilles Francaises 2009 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5524 | Corrego Alegre 1961 | Corrego Alegre 1961 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5527 | SAD69(96) | South American Datum 1969 96 | GRS 1967 Modified | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5546 | PNG94 | Papua New Guinea Geodetic Datum 1994 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5561 | UCS-2000 | Ukraine 2000 | Krassowsky 1940 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5593 | FEH2010 | Fehmarnbelt Datum 2010 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5681 | DB_REF | Deutsche Bahn Reference System | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:5886 | TGD2005 | Tonga Geodetic Datum 2005 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6135 | CIGD11 | Cayman Islands Geodetic Datum 2011 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6207 | Nepal 1981 | Nepal 1981 | Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6311 | CGRS93 | Cyprus Geodetic Reference System 1993 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6318 | NAD83(2011) | NAD83 National Spatial Reference System 2011 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6322 | NAD83(PA11) | NAD83 National Spatial Reference System PA11 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6325 | NAD83(MA11) | NAD83 National Spatial Reference System MA11 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6365 | Mexico ITRF2008 | Mexico ITRF2008 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6668 | JGD2011 | Japanese Geodetic Datum 2011 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6706 | RDN2008 | Rete Dinamica Nazionale 2008 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6783 | NAD83(CORS96) | NAD83 Continuously Operating Reference Station 1996 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6881 | Aden 1925 | Aden 1925 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6882 | Bekaa Valley 1920 | Bekaa Valley 1920 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6883 | Bioko | Bioko | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6892 | South East Island 1943 | South East Island 1943 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6894 | Gambia | Gambia | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6980 | IGD05 | Israeli Geodetic Datum 2005 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6983 | IG05 Intermediate CRS | IG05 Intermediate Datum | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6987 | IGD05/12 | Israeli Geodetic Datum 2005 2012 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:6990 | IG05/12 Intermediate CRS | IG05 12 Intermediate Datum | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7035 | RGSPM06 (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique de Saint Pierre et Miquelon 2006 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7037 | RGR92 (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique de la Reunion 1992 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7039 | RGM04 (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique de Mayotte 2004 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7041 | RGFG95 (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique Francais Guyane 1995 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7073 | RGTAAF07 | Reseau Geodesique des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises 2007 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7084 | RGF93 v1 (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v1 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7086 | RGAF09 (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique des Antilles Francaises 2009 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7088 | RGTAAF07 (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises 2007 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7133 | RGTAAF07 (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises 2007 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7136 | IGD05 | Israeli Geodetic Datum 2005 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7139 | IGD05/12 | Israeli Geodetic Datum 2005 2012 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7373 | ONGD14 | Oman National Geodetic Datum 2014 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7683 | GSK-2011 | Geodezicheskaya Sistema Koordinat 2011 | GSK-2011 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7686 | Kyrg-06 | Kyrgyzstan Geodetic Datum 2006 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7798 | BGS2005 | Bulgaria Geodetic System 2005 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7844 | GDA2020 | Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7881 | St. Helena Tritan | St Helena Tritan | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:7886 | SHGD2015 | St Helena Geodetic Datum 2015 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8042 | Gusterberg (Ferro) | Gusterberg Ferro | Zach 1812 | degree | Ferro |
EPSG:8043 | St. Stephen (Ferro) | St Stephen Ferro | Zach 1812 | degree | Ferro |
EPSG:8086 | ISN2016 | Islands Net 2016 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8232 | NAD83(CSRS96) | North American Datum of 1983 CSRS96 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8237 | NAD83(CSRS)v2 | North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 2 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8240 | NAD83(CSRS)v3 | North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 3 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8246 | NAD83(CSRS)v4 | North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 4 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8249 | NAD83(CSRS)v5 | North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 5 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8252 | NAD83(CSRS)v6 | North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 6 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8255 | NAD83(CSRS)v7 | North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 7 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8351 | S-JTSK [JTSK03] | System of the Unified Trigonometrical Cadastral Network JTSK03 | Bessel 1841 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8427 | Hong Kong Geodetic CS | Hong Kong Geodetic | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8428 | Macao 1920 | Macao 1920 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8431 | Macao 2008 | Macao Geodetic Datum 2008 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8449 | NAD83(FBN) | NAD83 Federal Base Network | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8545 | NAD83(HARN Corrected) | NAD83 High Accuracy Reference Network - Corrected | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8685 | SRB_ETRS89 | Serbian Spatial Reference System 2000 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8694 | Camacupa 2015 | Camacupa 2015 | Clarke 1880 (RGS) | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8699 | RSAO13 | Reference System de Angola 2013 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8818 | MTRF-2000 | MOMRA Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8860 | NAD83(FBN) | NAD83 Federal Base Network | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8888 | WGS 84 (Transit) | World Geodetic System 1984 Transit | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8900 | RGWF96 | Reseau Geodesique de Wallis et Futuna 1996 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8902 | RGWF96 (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique de Wallis et Futuna 1996 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8907 | CR-SIRGAS | CR-SIRGAS | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8949 | SIRGAS-Chile 2010 | SIRGAS-Chile realization 2 epoch 2010 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8972 | SIRGAS-CON DGF00P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF00P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8973 | SIRGAS-CON DGF01P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF01P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8974 | SIRGAS-CON DGF01P02 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF01P02 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8975 | SIRGAS-CON DGF02P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF02P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8976 | SIRGAS-CON DGF04P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF04P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8977 | SIRGAS-CON DGF05P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF05P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8978 | SIRGAS-CON DGF06P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF06P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8979 | SIRGAS-CON DGF07P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF07P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8980 | SIRGAS-CON DGF08P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF08P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8981 | SIRGAS-CON SIR09P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR09P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8982 | SIRGAS-CON SIR10P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR10P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8983 | SIRGAS-CON SIR11P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR11P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8984 | SIRGAS-CON SIR13P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR13P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8985 | SIRGAS-CON SIR14P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR14P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8986 | SIRGAS-CON SIR15P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR15P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8987 | SIRGAS-CON SIR17P01 | SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR17P01 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8988 | ITRF88 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1988 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8989 | ITRF89 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1989 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8990 | ITRF90 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1990 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8991 | ITRF91 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1991 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8992 | ITRF92 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1992 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8993 | ITRF93 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1993 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8994 | ITRF94 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1994 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8995 | ITRF96 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1996 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8996 | ITRF97 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1997 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8997 | ITRF2000 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8998 | ITRF2005 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2005 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:8999 | ITRF2008 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2008 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9000 | ITRF2014 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9003 | IGS97 | IGS97 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9006 | IGS00 | IGS00 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9009 | IGb00 | IGb00 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9012 | IGS05 | IGS05 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9014 | IGS08 | IGS08 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9017 | IGb08 | IGb08 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9019 | IGS14 | IGS14 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9053 | WGS 84 (G730) | World Geodetic System 1984 G730 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9054 | WGS 84 (G873) | World Geodetic System 1984 G873 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9055 | WGS 84 (G1150) | World Geodetic System 1984 G1150 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9056 | WGS 84 (G1674) | World Geodetic System 1984 G1674 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9057 | WGS 84 (G1762) | World Geodetic System 1984 G1762 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9059 | ETRF89 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1989 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9060 | ETRF90 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1990 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9061 | ETRF91 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1991 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9062 | ETRF92 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1992 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9063 | ETRF93 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1993 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9064 | ETRF94 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1994 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9065 | ETRF96 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1996 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9066 | ETRF97 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1997 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9067 | ETRF2000 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9068 | ETRF2005 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2005 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9069 | ETRF2014 | European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9072 | NAD83(MARP00) | North American Datum of 1983 MARP00 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9075 | NAD83(PACP00) | North American Datum of 1983 PACP00 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9140 | KOSOVAREF01 | Kosovo Reference System 2001 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9148 | SIRGAS-Chile 2013 | SIRGAS-Chile realization 3 epoch 2013 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9153 | SIRGAS-Chile 2016 | SIRGAS-Chile realization 4 epoch 2016 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9184 | SIRGAS-Chile | SIRGAS-Chile | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9248 | Tapi Aike | Tapi Aike | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9251 | MMN | Ministerio de Marina Norte | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9253 | MMS | Ministerio de Marina Sur | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9294 | ONGD17 | Oman National Geodetic Datum 2017 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9299 | HS2-IRF | HS2 Intermediate Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9309 | ATRF2014 | Australian Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9333 | KSA-GRF17 | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Geodetic Reference Frame 2017 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9364 | TPEN11-IRF | TPEN11 Intermediate Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9372 | MML07-IRF | MML07 Intermediate Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9380 | IGb14 | IGb14 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9384 | AbInvA96_2020-IRF | AbInvA96 2020 Intermediate Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9403 | PN68 | Pico de las Nieves 1968 | International 1924 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9453 | GBK19-IRF | GBK19 Intermediate Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9470 | SRGI2013 | Sistem Referensi Geospasial Indonesia 2013 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9474 | PZ-90.02 | Parametry Zemli 1990 02 | PZ-90 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9475 | PZ-90.11 | Parametry Zemli 1990 11 | PZ-90 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9547 | LTF2004(G) | Lyon Turin Ferroviaire 2004 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9696 | REDGEOMIN | Red Geodesica Para Mineria en Chile | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9702 | ETRF2000-PL | ETRF2000 Poland | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9739 | EOS21-IRF | EOS21 Intermediate Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9755 | WGS 84 (G2139) | World Geodetic System 1984 G2139 | WGS 84 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9758 | ECML14_NB-IRF | ECML14 NB Intermediate Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9763 | EWR2-IRF | EWR2 Intermediate Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9777 | RGF93 v2 | Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v2 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9779 | RGF93 v2 (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v2 | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9782 | RGF93 v2b | Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v2b | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9784 | RGF93 v2b (lon-lat) | Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v2b | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9866 | MRH21-IRF | MRH21 Intermediate Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |
EPSG:9871 | MOLDOR11-IRF | MOLDOR11 Intermediate Reference Frame | GRS 1980 | degree | Greenwich |