
GEE学习笔记 二十九:下载文件方式一

GEE学习笔记 二十九:下载文件方式一


  1. 第一种方式:getDownloadURL方式,这是这篇文章主要介绍的内容。
  2. 第二种方式:Export方式,这种方式在之前的文章中也提起过,只不过没有详细介绍。篇幅所限,下一篇文章中会详细介绍各种Export方式。



1. ee.FeatureCollection.getDownloadURL()参数


Get a download URL.
Returns a download URL or undefined if a callback was specified.
this:featurecollection (FeatureCollection):
The FeatureCollection instance.
format (String, optional):
The format of download, one of:
"csv", "json", "kml", "kmz".
selectors (List<String>|String, optional):
Selectors that should be used to determine which attributes will be downloaded.
filename (String, optional):
Name of the file to be downloaded.
callback (Function, optional):
An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
Returns: Object|String


  • format:生成的下载格式,支持四种各种csv、json、kml、kmz。如果需要ESRI shapefile格式,那么需要生成比如kml格式,然后使用QGIS或者Arcgis本地转换一下;
  • selectors:筛选下载的矢量数据中包含哪些属性,默认是包含全部属性;
  • filename:下载的文件名称;
  • callback:这个参数几乎不会用到,回调方法。


var fc = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB/2013');
var sfc = fc.filter(ee.Filter.eq("cc", "TW"));
var taiwan = ee.FeatureCollection(sfc.toList(sfc.size()));
Map.addLayer(taiwan, {color:"00ff00"}, 'taiwan');
Map.centerObject(taiwan, 7);


var url1 = taiwan.getDownloadURL({
  format: "kml",
  filename: "taiwan1"
print("url1 is: ", url1);


var url2 = taiwan.getDownloadURL({
  format: "kml",
  selectors: ["cc"],
  filename: "taiwan2"
print("url2 is: ", url1);




  • 包含全部属性的文件


  • 只包含cc属性的文件



var roi = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Polygon(
        [[[115.46424865722656, 39.47489550075251],
          [115.54664611816406, 39.47171528483254],
          [115.55419921875, 39.524699902077586],
          [115.47111511230469, 39.52734807268146]]]);
var roi_col = ee.FeatureCollection(roi);
var url3 = roi_col.getDownloadURL({
  format: "json",
  filename: "bounds"
print("url3 is: ", url3);

2. ee.Image.getDownloadURL() 参数说明:

Get a Download URL
Returns returns a download URL, or undefined if a callback was specified.
this:image (Image):
The Image instance.
params (Object):
An object containing download options with the following possible values:
- name: a base name to use when constructing filenames.
- bands: a description of the bands to download. Must be a list of dictionaries, each with the following keys:
+ id: the name of the band, a string, required.
+ crs: an optional CRS string defining the band projection.
+ crs_transform: an optional list of 6 numbers specifying an affine transform from the specified CRS, in row-major order:
[xScale, xShearing, xTranslation, yShearing, yScale, yTranslation]
+ dimensions: an optional list of two integers defining the width and height to which the band is cropped.
+ scale: an optional number, specifying the scale in meters of the band; ignored if crs and crs_transform is specified.
- crs: a default CRS string to use for any bands that do not explicitly specify one.
- crs_transform: a default affine transform to use for any bands that do not specify one, of the same format as the crs_transform of bands.
- dimensions: default image cropping dimensions to use for any bands that do not specify them.
- scale: a default scale to use for any bands that do not specify one; ignored if crs and crs_transform is specified.
- region: a polygon specifying a region to download; ignored if crs and crs_transform is specified.
callback (Function, optional):
An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
Returns: Object|String


  • params各种参数,这里说一下常用的,其他的参数用的机会不多(bands波段参数列表,这个参数不会用, )
    • name 下载文件的名称
    • crs 投影信息,一般来讲都是使用默认的投影,然后本地使用其他软件转换投影信息
    • scale 分辨率
    • region 下载的区域
  • callback回调方法,几乎不用


//download image url demo
var roi = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Polygon(
        [[[115.46424865722656, 39.47489550075251],
          [115.54664611816406, 39.47171528483254],
          [115.55419921875, 39.524699902077586],
          [115.47111511230469, 39.52734807268146]]]);
var l8 = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT_TOA")
            .filterDate("2017-01-01", "2017-12-31")
            .map(function(img) {
              img = img.updateMask(img.select("cloud").lt(1));
              return img;
var landsat = l8.mosaic().clip(roi);
Map.addLayer(landsat, {bands: ["B3", "B2", "B1"], min:0, max:0.3}, "landsat");
Map.centerObject(roi, 12);
Map.addLayer(roi, {color: 'red'}, 'roi');

var roiInfo = roi.getInfo();
var region1 = JSON.stringify(roiInfo);
var url1 = landsat.select('B1').getDownloadURL({scale: 30,
                                                region: region1,
print("url1 is: ", url1);
var url2 = landsat.select('B2').getDownloadURL({scale: 100,
                                                region: region1,
print("url2 is: ", url2);

var region2 = ee.Geometry(roi).toGeoJSONString();
var url3 = landsat.select('B3').getDownloadURL({scale: 30,
                                                region: region2,
print("url3 is: ", url3);

var url4 = landsat.select(["B3", "B2", "B1"]).getDownloadURL({scale: 30,
print("url4 is: ", url4);




